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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Bitter and twisted

I was on a quest for something different to kick off the cocktail hour, and I remembered Reggie Darling's post about a Manhattan. At the time I had all of the ingredients except bitters. I rectified this omission the other day, purchasing a bottle of Angostura Bitters, a mainstay of all the bars and all the drinks trays I've encountered at my homes and at my parents'.

And what a subtle but huge difference it makes to this drink and many others. Rather like martinis, two Manhattans go a very long way. A pity we didn't follow that plan last night.

The fragile state was not helped by an earth tremor this evening from the earthquake in neighbouring Burma, which had the effect of making one feel as though one was losing one's balance.

The recipe I used, for those of you wishing to indulge is:

1 1/2 msrs whisky, (I used Jim Beam, but it should be rye)
3/4 msrs dry Vermouth
Twist of lemon
Dash of Bitters
Stir together over ice and serve straight up in a martini glass.

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