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Saturday 28 August 2010

Sunset Sunday Saltaire

Back in Saltaire - and at last, a sunset to be proud of.... not so much proud of my own photograph, you understand, but simply of the fact that we had a decent sunset at all! Living in the bottom of the valley, there isn't a vast amount of sky on view - and what there is of the western sky is largely hidden from my sight by the houses behind mine. So we don't see many spectacular sunsets and, even when we have them, I mostly miss them! Not so last Sunday when I was walking home from church. I took the opportunity to go and stand on the footbridge over the river at the entrance to Roberts Park in Saltaire. From there, you do at least see the sky along the valley. I wasn't disappointed - it was a lovely sky and the cricket pavilion loomed like a white ghost on the riverbank. (And the bridge provided a handy makeshift tripod for my camera.) I think this shot is a match for some of those huge Utah skies that Scott at Finding Another View posts regularly. Go and check his out and prepare to be amazed at this awesome world we live in.

Take a look at more 'Weekend Reflections' at James's Newtown Area Photo too.

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