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Sunday 29 August 2010

The diary from the depths: From letters posted from Chile’s copper mine tomb, a miner’s wife reveals this vivid account of

how disaster struck...and the minutiae of life 2,300 feet beneath the ground

By Caroline Graham
Last updated at 4:11 AM on 29th August 2010

As she sits chain-smoking cigarettes, Carolina Bustos clutches one of two letters she has received from her husband, Raul – one of the 33 miners trapped in a ‘hell’ half a mile beneath one of the most inhospitable places on Earth.

The precious words scrawled on that page ­provide a powerful and unique insight into the extraordinary struggle to survive – and stay sane – faced by the men imprisoned in the darkness deep below Chile’s Atacama Desert.

Message of hope: Carolina Bustos holds one of her husband's letters as she waits at Camp Hope, where engineers are beginning the long rescue effort to save 33 trapped miners

Trapped: Raul Bustos had been sent into the mine to fix a broken-down vehicle

Trapped: Raul Bustos had been sent into the mine to fix a broken-down vehicle

And today, as drilling begins on a rescue shaft that could take as long as three months to complete, The Mail on Sunday can reveal for the first time the miners vivid account of how the disaster unfolded and how agonisingly close the men were to escaping by ladder soon after the fateful collapse on August 5.

Further details have also emerged of how the miners are coping with the day-to-day realities of keeping clean, how they are using a natural spring as a toilet – and even how they are hoping to watch films on a home cinema system in their refuge 2,300ft underground.

Nervously touching her husband’s crucifix, which is permanently around her neck, Carolina reflects on the fact that Raul, a surface-based engineer, was only called into the depths that day to fix a broken down vehicle.

She said: ‘He said the vehicle broke down deep in the mine. He and a crew were sent to fix it. They were down there when all hell broke loose.

‘The roof caved in further up the shaft and the dust and debris came like a tidal wave down the shaft. He was knocked off his feet and it was thick choking dust for several hours.

‘He heard coughing so he knew other men were alive. When the dust eased, they shouted each other’s names out and Luis (Urzua, the foreman) gathered them in a group and led them to an escape shaft.’

Carolina’s eyes cloud with tears as she continues: ‘He said they started climbing the shaft and the ladder ran out before the top. If the ladder had been longer they could have climbed out. Instead, they went back into what he called “hell in the bowels of the Earth”.’

They ended up in an emergency shelter with food enough for ten men for three days. They had rations of tuna and fruit juice, which they diluted with water taken from the radiator of an abandoned Nissan Terrano vehicle they discovered as they walked through the mineshaft. Electricity was gleaned from the vehicle’s battery.

Carolina said: ‘In his letter, my husband told me after the first week they started hearing the drill above them. They prayed it would reach them before the food ran out.

’It was a note that the men managed to attach to this pilot drill which alerted the rescuers to the fact they were still alive. They had already been trapped for 17 days. Raul, 40, has been married to Carolina for six years. The couple have two children, Maria, five, and three-year-old Vincente.

He started working at the mine only six months ago after, incredibly, being forced from his job at a naval shipyard by another disaster, when it was hit by devastating tsunami.Carolina, 36, said: ‘We came north, to this godforsaken place because we needed the money. I say he is the luckiest unlucky man on earth. He survived the tsunami and came here only to get buried alive.’

Footage: Miners have described their prison as 'hell in the bowels of the earth'

Footage: Miners have described their prison as 'hell in the bowels of the earth'

The San Jose gold and copper mine paid workers around £1,000 a month, a third more than other mines in the region – but the extra money came at a price. Locals called it the Kamikaze Mine because of its lax safety rules.

Sited in one of the driest places on the planet, the once defunct shafts were re-opened in 2008 by owners seeking to cash in on the fact that copper prices have tripled in the past five years. Carolina explained: ‘Everyone knew this mine was an accident waiting to happen.

‘But they paid extra and let the men take home gold nuggets if they found them on the floor. Raul said he would do this for a year and then quit. He soothed my fears by telling me he would be topside and not even enter the mine shaft.’

Now she faces the anxious wait for news alongside other relatives at Camp Hope, which has sprung up at the mine’s ramshackle entrance on the side of a steep sand dune.

'All hell broke loose...the dust and debris came like a tidal wave - I was knocked off my feet'

Their connection to their loved ones is coming via a slim rescue borehole which carries 5ft long by 4.3in wide plastic containers known as ‘doves’ to the miners below.

On Thursday last week, it even allowed grainy video footage to be sent up to the surface. There are now plans to build a Big Brother-style ‘confessional’ above ground, linked with fibre optic cables to a similar-type camera set-up below.

Jesica Zamora is one of two expectant wives at the camp. Three months pregnant, the 27-year-old said the images of her stricken husband made her stomach ‘flip’.

‘Seeing Victor made me realise that this miracle is real. I don’t know if it was our baby saying “hello”. But it felt good,’ she said.

The other mother-to-be, Elizabeth Ticona, 30, is eight-and-a-half months pregnant and is following the rescue attempt of her husband, Ariel, on television.

Doctors have told her it is simply too stressful for her to join Jesica in the surreal environment of Camp Hope, where scores of family members mix with the world’s media and an oddball assortment of characters, from a masseuse to puppeteers and even a clown troupe, brought in to entertain the children.

Politicians are also ever present, with seven of Chile’s 14-strong ­cabinet on site. President Sebastian Pinera has staked his leadership on a successful rescue.

There are also a throng of ambulance-chasing lawyers eagerly offering business cards and promising to ‘sue the hell out of everyone’.

Kamikaze Mine: Relatives of trapped miners Renan and Florencio Avalo raise a tattered Chilean flag on a hill overlooking Camp Hope

Kamikaze Mine: Relatives of trapped miners Renan and Florencio Avalo raise a tattered Chilean flag on a hill overlooking Camp Hope

Having taken the bumpy two-hour flight north from the capital of ­Santiago to the sleepy mining town of Copiapo, and following an hour-long drive across a barren desert that can only be described as ‘moonlike’, I bumped into Health Minister Jaime Manalich.

He has been giving seemingly endless Press briefings near ­‘Control HQ’ – where the team of advisors will be joined tomorrow by experts from NASA to plot how to keep the miners mentally and ­physically healthy. He tells me about the latest developments.

‘We have sent down tiny Bibles, heating elements to warm water, food, medicine,’ he said.

‘The men want more to occupy their minds. We are sending music and games and clean underwear at the request of the wives. There is a home theatre system. But we are trying to figure out which movies they can watch.’

'We started climbing the shaft but the ladder ran out. If it had been longer we could have got out...'

He revealed the miners have also been begging for cigarettes to ease their boredom.

‘I relented and said they could have nicotine chewing gum,’ he said. ‘We need these guys in good shape. There isn’t really an explosion risk here like there would be with ­methane in coal mines, but we can’t risk the men developing chest and lung infections.’

I ask him about the men’s toilet facilities below ground. He laughs: ‘It is funny, every woman I meet wants to know how they are going to the bathroom.

‘They have a tunnel they can walk to from the main rescue area and it has water coming up from an underground spring so they do their business and the water washes it down further into the mine.

Prayers: The names of miners trapped underground in a copper and gold mine are displayed on a stone in Copiapo

Prayers: The names of miners trapped underground in a copper and gold mine are displayed on a stone in Copiapo

‘They are obsessed by their toilet situation. I guess you get obsessed by things like that when you are trapped underground.

‘The serious issue about that side of things is infection. We have sent down sanitising gel. The first things the men asked for were toothpaste and soft toilet paper.’

Today, the men are expected to receive sleeping cots, designed to collapse when put into the ‘doves’ but which expand into proper beds in the mine.

The right nutrition is vital to the rescue effort. The miners were sent down their first ‘solid’ food on Thursday – cereal bars and apple sauce with soft white bread. By ­Friday, they had graduated to boiled eggs and sliced ham.

Yesterday, their diet was broadened to include army ready-to-eat meals, fruit and children’s yogurt in tubes. They have asked for steaks and beer.

A concern is that they don’t gain too much weight. When the £10 million 28.5-ton Strata 950 drilling machine has finished its work, the escape shaft will be just 26in wide.

Engineers have calculated that anyone with a waist size of more than 35in simply will not fit in. Dr Jorge Diaz explained: ‘Most men’s shoulders are wider than that, but you can manipulate your shoulders to make them narrower by holding one arm up and one arm down.

‘The cage that they will be rescued in is a reinforced steel capsule which basically looks like a torpedo. It can only accommodate a man with a 35in waist or less because if you have a fatter waist than that, there is simply no way to wedge the man in the capsule and close the door.

‘Nine of the miners are overweight so the plan is to put them on a restrictive diet and basic exercise programme to ensure that they are thin enough by the time of the rescue.’

Hopes of a quicker escape – possibly in October – have also been raised, with engineers studying a Plan B, involving expanding a borehole already drilled to provide air.

But however the rescue takes shape, caring for the mental health of the miners is crucial. Psychologist Dr Jaime Carvallo was hired by the Chilean government last Monday. He compares the trapped men’s situation to that of submariners and astronauts and says five are already showing signs of depression.

'This is like hell in the bowels of the Earth. When we heard the drill we prayed it would come before the food ran out.'

He has been in regular contact with leader Luis Urzua, a tough-talking 56-year-old who told rescuers when the first telephone link was established: ‘This is Luis, foreman and leader.’

In his first newspaper interview, Dr Carvallo said: ‘In Chilean society, people adhere to hierarchical roles. The foreman is the boss and so he is respected and honoured as a leader, even when disaster strikes.’

Raul Bustos’s letters also refer to the way the miners have organised themselves. Carolina said: ‘They divided into groups – one was in charge of dividing the food and water, the other was in charge of making sure where they were staying was safe and the third group went out each day to explore the tunnels to see if there was a possible way out.’

In some ways, the strict regime below ground contrasts sharply with the oddly carnival feel of Camp Hope. But for Jesica, Carolina and the other wives, the hope of being reunited with their husbands is reason enough to remain there.

‘I just want my husband back and alive,’ Jesica says, patting her stomach. ‘And then we can start planning for the future.’

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