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Monday 2 August 2010

Shelter, Roberts Park, Saltaire

The YouTube video about Saltaire and the recent renovation of Roberts Park has some interesting photos of the park, both in its Victorian splendour (it was opened in 1871) and later, when much of it was becoming run-down and vandalised. There is at least one shot of one of these wind shelters in a very poor state. Part of the restoration work undertaken this year has involved cleaning up and reroofing the shelters, including restoring the very pretty ridge (which you can see in close-up in this picture).

There are three or four shelters around the park - including one at either end of the promenade terrace. You can see how the decorative woodwork (which had been destroyed) has been recreated and painted as it would originally have been.
I think they've done a great job.

The shelters once again provide a lovely place to rest - and, when necessary, to shelter from the wind and rain (and occasional sun!) that are so much a part of the British weather.
I've noticed in the evenings they tend to attract groups of young lads - but I hope very much they remain unvandalised, after so much effort and money has gone in to improving them. I try very hard to remember that 'group of young lads' is not necessarily the same thing as 'group of young vandals' and I'd like them to prove it!

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