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Saturday 17 July 2010

7 Links for Bloggers

I was recently reading a few of my favourite blogs, to unwind from all the painting I have been doing in the kitchen.  I came across a post by Kate at Centsational Girl about "the 7-link challenge", an idea that originated from ProBlogger.  The challenge is to link to 7 posts based on the following themes:
  1. Your first post
  2. A post you enjoyed writing the most
  3. A post which had great discussion
  4. A post on someone else’s blog you wish you’d written
  5. Your most helpful post
  6. A post with a title you are proud of
  7. A post you wish more people had read

    I really enjoyed reading Kate's post and thought I would do one as well.  So here goes:
1.  Your first post.  It seems like a long time ago that I published my first post, but in reality it was only 6 months ago.  I really had no idea what I was doing and it took ages to get my blog up on Google so it could be read by others.   I didn't get my first comment for a few weeks, so for much of January I was mostly preaching to the choir.

2.  A post you enjoyed writing the most.  I really enjoyed writing this post about doing my taxes.  Maybe it was because writing the post was a lot more fun than doing my taxes.  And by the way, I did buy the jeans and I love them (and no that's not a picture of me).

3.  A post which had great discussion.  I don't know that my blog really generates discussion per se - it's just not very controversial.  I do, however, get lots and lots of comments and compliments, which I adore.  The post that got the most comments (apart from giveaways) was the one about my bathroom.  It kind of makes me laugh to think that our bathroom has been viewed over 4,000 times - yep, come on in strangers and have a look at our bathroom.

4.  A post on someone else’s blog you wish you’d written.  I'm not sure if it is the post I wish I'd written, as much as the project I wish I had done and then could write it up.  I just love the playhouse that Linda and her husband at Restyled Home made for their daughter, I mean who doesn't .  It is just so cute and creative and fun and I would love to have made one for my daughter.  Who am I kidding, I would love to make one for myself.  I adore the project, but I also love Linda's easy chatty style of blogging and it came together well in this post.

5.  Your most helpful post.  I don't really think being helpful is what my blog is about - it's more about showing you pretty picutres, or even photos of my messy kitchen.  That being said, I have got quite a few emails telling me how helpful they find my Blogging Tips page, so although it isn't a post, but rather a page, I'm going to go with that.

6.  A post with a title you are proud of.  This is a tough one, as I'm not really that creative with my titles (unless of course you count the one that I made a typo in, which continues to show up with the error in LinkedWithin - sigh).  I guess one that I like is Emerald Quilt although I can't take full credit for it.  I had the post all ready and couldn't think of a title, so I asked my husband for ideas and he suggested something to do with 'quilt' and I added the 'emerald'.  It is one of those moments when our combined creative brains were better than one - and I love it.

7.  A post you wish more people had read.  Early on, before anyone was reading my blog, I did a post called I heart my Smilebox Calendars.  I made, or helped make, calendars for my father, my uncle, my daughter, a friend at work, and myself.  My calendar, which shows photos from my trip out west last summer, is something that I love - truly, madly, deeply love.  Okay that might seem like extreme affection for a calendar, but truth to tell I look forward to each new month's pictures, and am sad when a month is done as I can't display its pictures any more.  Yep, it's love alright.  I still feel that Smilebox is a great on-line product that I know some of you would enjoy using.

So those are my 7 links.  And now.... your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to tell me what your 7 links are.

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