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Saturday, 2 April 2011

Why I ♥ Blogging.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, reflection if you will, about why I blog, and why I have become an addict. A quick sit down to check facebook and my daily blog reel soon becomes an hour long exercise...and this may or may not happen more than once in a day. How did I become so addicted to social media? What is that draws me in everyday?
So these are my reasons I ♥ blogging.

1) Blogging encourages me to pay attention to my life. Once living on auto pilot, I now see life through a different perspective..."Maybe I can blog about this..."
2) Blogging encourages me to take more photos. Not just of the big events...birthdays, first days etc...but random things like the kids lego creations, their activities, creation, scenery. Recording our life through pictures.
3) Blogging encourages me to savour what I eat and how I cook it. I love cooking and and eating, and now I think.." I gotta get a picture of this!"
4) Blogging encourages me to write. This has never been a strong point in my life. I made it through English in high school but it was never something I was naturally good at. I hated poetry, but I have written a couple in my blog...and I have no idea where they came from. The process of taking thoughts and writing them has been very cathartic.
5) Blogging encourages me to be thankful. Thankful all for the good things, the challenging things and the mundane things.
These are the things that I get out of blogging personally

The other part is reading others blogs and the amazing bloggers out there in blogland.

1) Bloggers inspire me. People who have endured personal tragedy, overcome illness, lost loved ones, have had ill children, all these and many more inspire me to love more, laugh more and live more.
2) Bloggers share great ideas. I am always learning new things. New recipes, new photography techniques, new craft ideas, and new tips. I love learning new things.
3) Bloggers make lovely friends. After meeting a bunch from our city, I have made some lovely new friends. And I am looking forward to meeting some more soon!
4)Bloggers challenge me. When you feel like quitting bloggers keep you in check to help you get to your goal.
5) Bloggers encourage me. Lovely comments left about things I have shared just encourage my heart and soul so much! Thank you for caring about me and my little part of the world. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read anything I blog about.

So there you have it. Why I love blogging.
Thank you for helping me enjoy life just a little more each day by reading my blog and writing great blogs for me the read too.
What is it about blogging that you like/love the most?

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