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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Obama Desperate, Planning to Arm Rebels with Weapons

To save face, Obama is planning to arm the rebels with weapons. The coalition is losing the war and Gaddafi's army made the rebels retreat. Pundits are in agreement that the only way the rebel can win is supporting them with weapons. This is a big dilemma with Obama. It is already known that most of the rebels are al-Qaeda affiliates. Americans would be very disturbed knowing our president is supporting weapons and arms to al-Qaeda rebels against US led NATO coalition. What will Obama do? In order to get rid of Gaddafi and save face, would Obama allow the rebels kill our boys and girls as collateral damage? Hm mm, the jury is still out on that one.

(Reuters) - As Libyan rebels fled in headlong retreat from the superior arms and tactics of Muammar Gaddafi's troops on Wednesday, U.S. officials said President Barack Obama had signed a secret order authorizing covert support for the rebels.

While the United States, France and Britain have raised the possibility of arming the rebels, they have all stressed that no decision had yet been taken.

As Gadaffi's army pushed back the rebels, their lack of heavy weapons and feeble fighting capabilities exposed the vulnerability of their forces in the absence of Western air strikes to tip the scales in their favor.

Despite some dissent within the Western military coalition attacking Gadaffi's forces, news that Obama had given the covert authorization surfaced as he and other U.S. and allied officials began speaking openly about the possibility of sending arms to the rebels.

Obama signed the order, known as a presidential "finding," within the last two or three weeks, according to four U.S. government sources familiar with the matter.

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