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Monday 30 August 2010

Welcome Pamela from French Buttons

Today I'm excited to have Pamela, from the blog French Buttons, doing a guest post.   I first met Pamela, who recently moved from Ontario to beautiful British Columbia, when she left comments on my blog saying how much she enjoyed my posts about places I went to in Southern Ontario and how much she was missing it (not sure if I was a help or a hindrance there).  We have since emailed each other and become friends.  If you haven't visited Pamela's blog, you should hop on over to get to know her more and see the sweet house she and her husband and son are presently living in.  It is my dream house - with a lovely garden, large front porch, beadboard everywhere, built-in shelving, and character galore.

Thanks Pamela for doing a guest post!


Hello Everyone!
My name is Pamela from French Buttons and today I am doing a guest post for Grace of Sense and Simplicity!
When Grace asked me to be a guest on her lovely blog I immediately said YES! I just love Grace and her blog. Grace was my very first follower (not including family or friends) when I started my blog. She also lives in my hometown province of Southern I feel a real attachment to her!!
Grace has sent me some questions so all of you can learn a bit more about me and my blog.

What inspires you more- the mountains or the ocean?

My family and I have just moved to Vancouver Island, British Columbia from Niagara Falls, Ontario last December. My husband was born and raised here in the Cowichan Valley and missed it very much especially the smell of the sea air.
The island is surrounded by mountains and the ocean. I have to say I have fallen in love with the ocean. I live only five minutes from it and everyday that I go and visit the ocean it is never the same. For me the ocean is a soothing place that you never tire of. I feel a real calmness come over me every time I am by it.
This ocean here is only a ten minute walk from my front door. It is so peaceful here and my favourite past time is to collect shells along the beach. The nice thing about the island is you can enjoy the mountains and ocean together. It is the best of both worlds!

What is your dream vacation?

Paris!!! My dream vacation would be to visit Paris , France. I want to stroll down the cobblestone streets eating my baguette . Visit all the stores to see the latest fashions. I envision myself having lunch and sharing a bottle of red wine with my husband at one of their lovely bistros!

Who do you consider to be a style icon?

This will be a shock to alot of people but my all time favourite person since I was nine years
old is Stevie Nicks. To me she has to be the most talented female artist in history. Not only do
I like her music but her sense of style has always been so incredibly unique, beautiful and feminine. Her style is gypsy/romantic/old Hollywood star like Greta Garbo. I admire the way she expresses who she is through her clothes. I am the same way always expressing who I am by what I wear. Even Vera Wang is a big fan!

What is your favourite way to entertain?

Being a Leo I have a tendency to go over the top when it comes to entertaining. Whether it's a
barbecue, fancy party or informal get together with friends I like to bring out all my good stuff. And of course lots and lots of's the Italian in me!
Cooking and entertaining people is one of my passions and it makes me feel good to give my
guests the best that I have.

Some dinners I will use my pink vista transfer ware china....

Or other times a dinner will be with my lovely green Portuguese china...

But no matter what the may be just my homemade Italian pizza ,
I like to use the best!

Do you prefer decks or Patios?

Patios. Period. Nothing is more romantic and charming than a cobblestone

Do you prefer white kitchen cabinets or wood kitchen cabinets?

My dream is to one day have an all white kitchen complete with solid maple painted
white cabinets. I love white cabinets. Wood cabinets to me can look dated quickly.
This would be my dream kitchen!

What three words would you use to describe your decorating style?

Romantic Country French!

This is the sleeping porch off of my master bedroom.... Romantic

This is my dining room which is more rustic with a country french feel.

I had so much fun being a guest today on Grace's blog! Thank you Grace for having me and always being there for my blogging problems!
Thank you to everyone else who stop by for a visit!

Pamela xo

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