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Thursday 12 August 2010

Relaxing Mini-Vacation

My husband and I are empty-nesters this summer for the first time.  We just got back from a lovely, quiet, relaxing 5-day mini-vacation at the cottage.

We both finished 2 books and started on our third and spent our time drinking copious amounts of tea and coffee.  On one of the cooler days, we sat wrapped in blankets reading on the screened porch while the rain came down.   It was heavenly.  I love the sound of a soft rain on the roof.

 Actually that looks a bit more like beer for him and tea for me.  Oh well, still relaxing.

It only rained one day.  We also had some lovely calm weather,

and the loon came by one afternoon.

Of course, I took a ridiculous number of photos, which is loads of fun for me.  I always set myself some silly challenge and then spent hours trying to get the shot.  This time it was to get a picture of a fish jumping out of the water.  Those fish are just too darn fast, is all I can say.  See what I mean...

My aunt and I went on a tour of the cottage country sights in preparation for our french guests coming next week.  It was a lovely afternoon with so many interesting things to see. Photos coming soon.


Yesterday was my father's 81st birthday - it seems I'm a day behind on everyone's birthday.  Oops.  He is recovering from surgery and doesn't have quite his usual vim and vigour, but it is returning day-by-day.  He does still have his gentle kindness, amazing knowledge of the world, and his quiet patient way, oh, and his love of a good dessert.  We celebrated his birthday tonight with Moroccan Chicken for dinner followed by strawberry shortcake.  Yum!

Happy birthday, Dad!

Linked to Friday Finding Beauty at Dipity Road

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